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Racial Inequality, Age and COVID-19 Mortality: Academic Minute

Today on the Academic Minute: Lallen Johnson, associate professor in the School of Public Affairs at American University, examines why...

Avoiding ‘The Big Quit’ in the New Year

How can college leaders in 2023 begin to re-engage their employees in the midst of increasing disengagement and departures? Brandon L. Wolfe offers some suggestions.

Equal Benefits for Postdocs

Postdocs on federal fellowships should receive equal benefits as peers, write Mallory R. Smith and Thomas P. Kimbis.

War Upends Plans for Kyiv Campus

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine stymied plans to open an American university in the capital. After moving online the first year, the institution is charting a path through the chaos.
The Times Higher Education logo, with a red T, purple H and blue E.

A University President in Ukraine Turns to Social Media

Head of Kyiv School of Economics builds a following with English-language tweets.

Rick Singer Sentenced in Admissions Scandal

Rick Singer was sentenced today to 3.5 years in prison for his role as the mastermind of the Varsity Blues...

Social Sharing Can Lead to a False Sense of Knowledge

Just because someone shares something online doesn’t mean they’re educated on it. In today’s Academic Minute, the University of Texas...

Should Class Participation Be Graded?

The pandemic laid bare course policies and practices that disadvantage some students. Now, some say that professors should cool it with awarding participation points.