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Alexander's Loan-Repayment Overhaul

Proposal to automatically deduct loan payments as a share of borrowers' paychecks promises big improvements but raises questions over some new complications, too.

Revolt Over Dean’s Ouster

At University of Southern California, some donors and trustees join with students and professors to demand that dean be kept in his job. Rancor is so intense that trustees have gone public with anger over dismissal.

Academic Minute: The Physician-Scientist Shortage

Today on the Academic Minute, Kurt Amsler, professor of biomedical sciences at the New York Institute of Technology, examines why...

Hampshire Defends Its Strategy

Hampshire College is facing intensifying opposition to its recent announcement that it will not admit a full freshman class for...

On the Sidelines Because His Head Is Too Big

A freshman at Wheaton College in Massachusetts is on the lacrosse team but can't play in games because his head...

Teaching the Skill of Learning to Learn

Colleges have long dismissed the skill of learning as mere study skills, but there’s growing interest in giving students a richer sense of how to gain knowledge, argues Ulrich Boser.

Who’s Afraid of Plan S?

Research funders, publishers and academics ponder the consequences of a European initiative that could have a major impact on scholarly publishing in the U.S.

Still Taking a Knee Against Racism

Athletes and activists who modeled themselves off Colin Kaepernick have continued their campaigns.