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Academic Minute: Pushing Buttons

Today on the Academic Minute, Rachel Plotnick, assistant professor of cinema and media studies at Indiana University, examines why we...

Students, Would You Like Fries With That?

To be treated as a worthless and expendable member of society is, unfortunately, all too common in service-industry jobs, but this culture has now infected college classrooms, argues Liz Mayo.

Top U of Alabama Donor Urges Student Boycott

In September, the University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa announced that its law school would be named for Hugh F. Culverhouse...


Some stories in the news can give drones a bad reputation. In today's Academic Minute, the City University of New...

Professor Resigns Over Dean's Sermon

Scholar at Louisiana College says administration has refused to act after dean said women have turned their bodies into a "crack house" and advised female students to "mow your lawn."

New President, Same Fears

Michigan State names a new chief executive in wake of Larry Nassar scandal. But some on campus worry whether the new leader will address issues of sexual violence in big-time athletics.

Virus Attack on Education Research Website

The website of the American Educational Research Association has been down since Friday. An email from the association to its...

Biden Promises Fix to Public Service Loan Forgiveness

Former vice president Joe Biden, who is seeking the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, promised in an education plan released Tuesday...