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Another Day, Another Blunder

Archaeology society continues to anger members with how it responds to negative feedback.

Defending Science Through Its Values

The myth that science should rely on proof or certainty is a view so harmful to scientific understanding that it only gives aid and comfort to climate-change deniers and others who attack it, argues Lee McIntyre.

New Mothers and PTSD

An unexpected group can also experience the symptoms of PTSD. In today's Academic Minute, Notre Dame de Namur University's Helen...

A Deadlocked Board

Wayne State University's governing board, split into two equal factions, considers how to move forward after months of continuous and damaging infighting.

N-Word at the New School

Another professor is under fire for using the slur in class while discussing a work by James Baldwin. Should universities pursue cases against instructors who use the word in a teaching context, not as a weapon?

Digital Learning in ‘Inside Higher Ed’ This Week

Among the topics: California vs. the U.S. on state authorization rules (cont.); a Pearson data breach; coding and more OPMs.

Academic Minute: New Mothers and PTSD

Today on the Academic Minute: Helen Marlo, professor of clinical psychology at Notre Dame de Namur University, explainshow an unexpected...

The Pulse: Thomas Waite of K16 Solutions

This month's edition of the Pulse podcast features an interview with Thomas Waite, CEO of K16 Solutions.