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New Research Alliance Cements Split on AI Ethics

Europe and Japan differ from the U.S. and China on potential risks.

A Man of Many Words

Peter Martin's The Dictionary Wars: The American Fight Over the English Language shows Noah Webster as the sort of ideologue who's convinced he has a historical mission and carries himself accordingly, writes Scott McLemee.

Hong Kong Students Call for 2-Week Class Boycott

Student leaders at 10 Hong Kong universities have called for their fellow students to skip classes for the first two...

Guiding Students to Success at Community Colleges

This webcast will explore how community colleges are guiding students to success through advising, curricular requirements and monitoring student progress...


The ideals of manhood are changing. In today's Academic Minute, Albion College's Scott Melzer discusses four groups that are reclaiming...

Priming for Amazon

Two Virginia universities announced ambitious expansions when Amazon selected its second headquarters. Nine months on, Virginia Tech has made more progress than George Mason in securing funding.

‘Hijacking’ Free Speech

Author argues in new book that conservatives have abused the concept of free expression on college campuses.