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Chinese Professor Charged in Alleged Technology Theft Scheme

A Chinese professor has been charged with fraud for allegedly taking technology from a California technology company to benefit the...

A Push for More Technical Workers

Federal report suggests that bias toward the bachelor's degree is contributing to potential shortfall of millions of electricians and welders.

University of Texas Releases Findings on Admissions Scandal

The University of Texas at Austin found itself caught up in the admissions scandal when its men's tennis coach was...

Data-Driven Accountability

As new datasets on student results become available, the Lumina Foundation taps group of regulators and experts for new approach to assuring quality in higher education, with focus on equity and colleges' financial health.

New Insight into Poli Sci's Gender Publication Gap

Political science has a gender publication gap but several studies have found no evidence of bias against women in the...

Academic Minute: Light Pollution

Today on the Academic Minute, part of Westminster College (Utah) Week: Julia Kamenetzky, assistant professor of physics, looks into how...

Study: 'Nudging' Helps STEM Students at 2-Year Colleges

A behavioral "nudging" campaign at four community colleges improved student persistence rates, according to the report "Nudging to STEM Success"...

End of Neoliberalism

The 2016 presidential election may have signaled the end of neoliberalism. In today's Academic Minute, part of Westminster College Week...