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Moving Away From Merit Aid

The University of Pittsburgh isn't offering free tuition. Instead, it's matching Pell Grants and shifting merit aid after calculating how much unmet need is too much.

Defunding Student Mental Health

The largest community college in Pennsylvania is eliminating mental health services on campus. Higher ed experts worry more struggling two-year institutions may follow suit.

Deletable You

Scott McLemee reviews Susan Schneider's Artificial You: AI and the Future of Your Mind.

A British DARPA

Conservative government announces plans to create an agency modeled on U.S. project.

Prioritizing Privacy

Protecting the personal information of students and employees is a growing concern for colleges and universities, but where does the buck stop?

Record Grad Rates at Cal State

Graduation rates for first-time and transfer students in the California State University system have reached all-time highs, according to a...

Utah Students Demand Meeting on Safety Issues

University of Utah students are demanding a meeting with President Ruth Watkins over safety concerns, The Salt Lake Tribune reported...

Racial Inequality, at College and in the Workplace

White Americans still disproportionately outnumber their African American and Latino counterparts when it comes to obtaining good jobs, regardless of education they have obtained.