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New Policy Group Focused on College and Careers

A new policy group is forming to develop state and local policy agendas that will help prepare students for college...

Study: Women Choose Less Lucrative Majors

Men and women who have the same preferences regarding a field of study still choose different majors, with men’s choices...

Study on Campus Carry Legislation

A new study analyzes the conditions that can contribute to the passage of campus carry legislation. For example, it found...

Academic Minute: 'Bad Indians' in Film

Today on the Academic Minute, a Student Spotlight, Anderson Hagler, a Ph.D. candidate in history at Duke University, examines the...

Mental Health Crisis

Anxiety and depression don’t always come from inside. In today's Academic Minute, the University of Texas San Antonio's Mary McNaughton-Cassill...

Is OPT in Peril?

Lawsuit challenges program that lets international students temporarily work in the U.S. Colleges say ending the program would harm students' education and recruitment abroad.

Paying for a ‘Toxic’ Postdoc

Scholar wants to spread the word about the price postdocs have to pay to exit their appointments early.

Court Strikes Down Ontario Student Choice Initiative

An Ontario court struck down a provincial-level policy change that would have let students opt out of certain fees, The...