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Concern Raised Over White House Open-Access Policy

A rumored U.S. executive order focusing on public access to federally funded research is ruffling feathers in the scholarly publishing...

When Colleges and Universities Stop Making Sense

Higher education institutions and their leaders -- who claim to help graduates develop critical thinking -- are doing too little to combat the growing lack of reason roiling our society, Ryan Craig writes.

529 Savings for Loans

Proposed spending bill would let people use 529 savings plans to pay down student loans. Critics say the move would mostly benefit those with enough resources to contribute to a plan.

Manuscript Illuminator

Not all technology has been made small enough yet. In today's Academic Minute, part of Franklin & Marshall College Week...

Haverford Tackles Loan Debt

New program tries to address student debt concerns after college dropped no-loan policy. Can its targeted, relatively inexpensive model work?

International Education in an Era of Climate Change

A new network of international education professionals is trying to get the field to face the crisis of climate change -- and the carbon emissions generated by student air travel -- head-on.

Historians State Support for Trump Impeachment

More than 750 historians, including several prominent scholars, signed a statement earlier this week condemning President Trump’s "numerous and flagrant...

New Presidents or Provosts: Coastal Alabama CC, College of the Albemarle, Delaware State U, Fontbonne U, Haywood CC, Tennessee Board of Regents, U of Arkansas Little Rock, Webster U, Wilberforce U

Tony Allen, provost at Delaware State University, has been promoted to president there. Jack Bagwell, vice president for academic affairs...