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(Some) Free Tuition for Some in New Jersey

New Jersey is trying to expand its tuition-free program from community colleges to four-year institutions. In this major exporter of students, the move could have ripple effects for colleges in nearby states.

Study in Sri Lanka?

Government wants private universities and branch campuses of international universities to open up … primarily to serve foreign students.

Race and National Identity in Today's France

How do you fight racism in a supposedly postracial society? In today's Academic Minute, the University of Central Arkansas's Katelyn...

Is Students' Early Career Success Their Professors' Problem?

A new paper asserts the faculty's obligation to embrace "career-relevant instruction." What exactly does that mean, for professors and students?

Coronavirus Hits U.S. International Programs Outside China

Syracuse cancels its Florence study abroad program, and other institutions make changes to programs in Italy, South Korea and elsewhere as coronavirus spreads globally.

New Programs: Nursing, Art Education, Athletic Training, Criminal Justice, Recording Arts, Cybersecurity, Cannabis Production

Fresno Pacific University is starting a bachelor of science in nursing. Indiana University Southeast is starting a bachelor of science...

Academic Minute: Race and Identity in France

Today on the Academic Minute, Katelyn Knox, associate professor in the department of languages, linguistics, literatures and cultures at the...

Aging U.S. Population Threatens State Budgets

The aging U.S. population poses long-term social risks to the fiscal stability of states, according to a new report from...