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Financial Aid Frustrations and College Completion

Roughly three-quarters of former college students said a frustrating financial aid experience affected their academic performance in college, as well...

Academic Minute: Impulsiveness and State Repression

Today on the Academic Minute, Mustafa Kirisci, visiting assistant professor in the department of politics at Saint Mary’s College of...

Guilty Plea in SAT Fraud Case

David Sidoo, a Canadian businessman, on Friday pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud...

Coronavirus Closures Pose Refund Quandary

For colleges that are already financially strapped, issuing room and board refunds “could be disastrous.”

Professor Who Said N-Word Twice Reinstated

Paul Zwier, a professor of law at Emory University who was suspended twice in 2018 for using the N-word in front of students in discussing a 1967 legal case, and then again when discussing students' objections to it, will be reinstated.

Admissions Counselors Move to Change Code of Ethics From Mandatory to Best Practices

The National Association for College Admission Counseling’s Board of Directors approved at its March meeting last week a motion to...

Emerson Professors Seek Pay for Independent Study

Emerson College’s American Association of University Professors-affiliated faculty union is recommending that all full-time professors cease supervising independent “directed study”...

Scenario Planning for Coronavirus

Frequently used in military situations, it can help college and university leaders during this uncertain time, writes Paul N. Friga, who presents a high-level scenario analysis and some recommended actions.