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Protecting Art in College Collections

Academic museum directors know their fortunes are tied to those of their parent institutions. Some worry about the possibility that collections could be raided to raise funds.

Coronavirus News Roundup for May 12

Everything you need to know for Tuesday about higher ed and the coronavirus in one easy-to-read package (with some distractions to help your sanity).

Beyond Summer 2020: Safety Abroad in a Recovering World

James H. Conway, Ronald G. Machoian and Christopher W. Olsen highlight the key issues concerning overseas travel that international educators must consider in the coming months.

‘Steeped in the Blood of Racism’

Author discusses new book on the Jackson State shootings, which happened 50 years ago this week.

Napolitano Seeks to Replace SAT/ACT

Janet Napolitano, president of the University of California system, is proposing that the UC campuses eliminate the SAT/ACT requirement and...

Emergency Grants: Congress Must Step In

Even after all of the funds are disbursed, the program will be overshadowed by implementation challenges caused by the U.S. Department of Education, argues Justin Draeger.

Senator Alexander: Testing Levels Inadequate to Open Campuses

Senator Lamar Alexander, the Tennessee Republican who chairs the Senate's education committee, on Sunday praised coronavirus testing in the U.S...

Reimagining Career Education

The Education Department plans to distribute more than $120 million in grants for short-term programs. Which pathways should that money fund?