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Goodbye Red Scare, Hello Ed Scare

Colleges must mobilize now against legislation to censor curricula and ideas, Jonathan Friedman writes.

Calif. Bill to Exempt Public Colleges From Environmental Review

A new bill introduced in the California State Senate would exempt housing developments at public universities from an environmental review...

Columbia Psych Chair Suspended for ‘Freak of Nature’ Comment

Newsweek reported that Jeffrey Lieberman was suspended from his role as chair of psychiatry at Vagelos College of Physicians and...

Weekly Wisdom | JSU President Thomas Hudson

Enjoy this inspiring conversation with JSU President Thomas Hudson, Bridget Burns from University Innovation Alliance and Doug Lederman from Inside...

Economic Insecurity and Support for Social Transfers

Messaging is key when discussing social programs. In today’s Academic Minute, part of Franklin and Marshall College Week, Wei-Teng Yen...

A New Take on Gender and Productivity During COVID-19

Anecdotal and other empirical evidence says women are publishing less than men over all during the pandemic. This study found otherwise.

Land Acknowledgments Spur Controversies

A controversial land acknowledgment led to a clash between a University of Washington professor and administrators. Native scholars say the practice has value but can be problematic without a commitment to supporting Indigenous communities.

Most Students Believe Faculty Adjusted Well to the Pandemic

A report from the National Survey of Student Engagement found that students had positive perceptions about online and hybrid learning last year. Experts say the results reflect how faculty and students worked together during the pandemic.