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Using Data to Drive Student Success | Available On-Demand

Today student success isn't a "nice to have," it's a must. And colleges and universities that aren't mining available data...

Looking to Scandinavia for American Prison Reform

There is often a better way to do things, if you know where to find it. In today’s Academic Minute...

Temple Parents Hire Private Security

Public safety concerns are paramount for Temple University parents since a student was murdered near campus. Now some parents have hired private security firms to protect their children.

A Win for Academic Mothers

UT Austin lost a pregnancy- and sex-bias case against a professor who said the university held her motherhood against her in her tenure bid. Now the university owes her $3 million.

If Academics Trumped Basketball Prowess

In our perfect world, academic performance—not athleticism—would determine the winner of the NCAA Division I women’s basketball tournament. Game on!

Rollins Reportedly Fired Professor for Sexual Harassment

WFTV reported that Rollins College in Florida fired Mario D’Amato, an associate professor of religion, after he was accused of...

University Allegedly Fired Prof for Inviting Gay Speaker

Michael O’Keefe, a longtime professor of graphic design at Oklahoma Christian University, says he was fired for inviting a gay...

New Report on State Support for Incarcerated Students

A new report by the Education Trust, a research and advocacy organization focused on closing equity gaps in education, analyzes...