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4 West Virginia Fraternities Make Trouble

West Virginia University suspended one fraternity for hazing and sanctioned three others after violations to the student conduct code, the...

Updating Faculty Evaluation for the Better

A new report from the TIAA Institute says that faculty appointment and evaluation systems at many institutions rely on outdated...

Assessing Pandemic Learning

A new survey finds that labs, group work and class discussions were among the worst learning experiences of the pandemic. How will that change things for students going forward?

John Jay Students Rally to Cancel Opera by White Librettist

Students at John Jay College are lobbying to cancel a production of Emmett Till, A New American Opera, scheduled to...

A State Flag and the Violent History of Colonization

Symbols of the past that reflect negative historical traits are found beyond the South. In today’s Academic Minute, the University...

As Ukrainians Flee, This ‘University Moves With Them’

An online university is offering 1,000 scholarships and opening its virtual doors to Ukrainian students whose studies have been disrupted by the war.

Cornell Lowers Credit Cap for Engineers

Citing concerns for student mental health, the university is reducing the maximum number of credits engineers can take from 23 to 20 per semester.

A Free Expression Strategy

A new report offers a road map for how campus leaders can create a culture of free expression, write former Vermont governor Jim Douglas and former Washington governor Chris Gregoire.