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Funding Global COVID-19 Vaccines Through Bond Issuances

It’s easy to get a COVID vaccine in the U.S., but how about elsewhere? In today’s Academic Minute, the University...

Student Mental Health Status Report: Struggles, Stressors and Supports

While the pandemic has taken a serious toll on students, few have stayed in a dark place the entire time, and the present time period is rated by the greatest percentage of students as the best one in terms of mental health.

More to the Story

Sara Goldrick-Rab is on leave from the Hope Center at Temple University.

Eager to Get to Work

The COVID-19 pandemic took a toll on the Class of 2022—especially regarding their mental health. But they gained resilience, and now that they're graduating, their outlook is sunny and bright.

You’re a Professor, Not an Oracle

Recognizing the boundaries of academic freedom is important to protecting it, Inara Scott writes.

U.S. Extends Flexibility on Online Courses for Foreign Students

The U.S. government has extended through the 2022–23 academic year COVID-era guidance that allows international students enrolled at American colleges...

Tenure Awarded… at Denison, Washington U St. Louis

Denison University Dan Blim, music Zarrina Juraqulova, economics Marcos Miguel, modern languages Shiri Noy, anthropology/sociology Keith Allyn Spencer, studio art...

Michigan Dems Accuse GOP of Blocking Trustee for Being Gay

Michigan Democrats are accusing their Republican counterparts in the State Senate of blocking an appointment to the Western Michigan University Board of Trustees because the nominee is gay.