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Big Bet on the Student Housing Market

One of the largest investment firms in the world is betting big—nearly $13 billion—that interest in attending residential colleges and...

Transportation Incentives and Affordable Housing: Academic Minute

Today on the Academic Minute: Nathan McNeil, research associate at the Center for Urban Studies at Portland State University, examines...

Centering Discomfort

Drawing on her experiences as seemingly the only atheist in her undergraduate theology and philosophy classes, Mairead Carr writes about how we need to rethink the issue of censorship in college.

Embracing OER Institutionwide

A new study finds that open educational resources are a big hit with some community college students and faculty, but that these textbook alternatives won't reach their full potential until administrators embrace them.

‘Comfort Is the Enemy of Progress’

Vassar College senior Ryan Mazurkiewicz reflects on censorship versus discomfort in the classroom.

State of Continuing Education 2022: Driving Sustained Impact | Available On-Demand

The higher education space is transforming rapidly, and there’s significant opportunity for leaders who position their institution to unlock the...

More Changes in Loan Programs

Education Department plans to forgive 40,000 student loans immediately and to place 3.6 million borrowers three years closer to debt forgiveness.

President Leaves Spouse Accused of Harassment

Judy Sakaki, president of Sonoma State University, part of the California State University system, announced Monday that she is separating...