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Contract Breakthrough

Nearly two years after their last contract expired, thousands of graduate students in the State University of New York system...

'Educating the Net Generation'

Today's students have different expectations and skills with regard to technology, and colleges sometimes fail to meet those expectations or...

California's Gaps

The report's language is unambiguous: "At every step -- eligibility, admission, enrollment, and graduation -- Hispanic and black students fare...

The New Geography of Jewish Studies

With a $20 million gift, the University of Michigan creates a research center that may shift the field.

Loose Canon

A graduate student discovers that a 19th-century novelist who has been hailed as an early black female writer was actually white.

Town vs. Gown at Berkeley

City officials sue the university over its expansion plans.

A New Test to Assess

Having abandoned one general education exam in December, ETS announces a replacement.

New Battlelines

NYU, the first private institution to reach a contract with a T.A. union, may try to make that pact its last.