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The Ward Churchill Verdict

Faculty panel in Colorado finds multiple instances of "deliberate" misconduct, including falsification and plagiarism, but professors split on whether he should be fired.

No Pain, No Gain

Educators consider how to make high schools more rigorous so low-income students can qualify for new federal grants for college.

Bright Day for U. of Denver's Libyan Students

Officials at the University of Denver watched and listened with great interest Monday as the State Department announced that it...

Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?

Movement grows in Congress to use prizes to push scientists to focus on key topics.

New Presidents or Provosts: Lynn U., Mansfield U. of Pa., Murray State U., Teachers College, Temple U., U. of Denver, U. of Nevada-Reno

The following colleges and universities have named new presidents or provosts: Randy Dunn, state superintendent of education for the Illinois...

Mandatory Retirement as Women's Issue

Mandatory retirement was once the norm in higher education -- and most of the academics who had emeritus status forced...

Unfair Dismissals Found

Reviews by AAUP question treatment of professors at Greenville College and New Mexico Highlands University.