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From Foster Care to Higher Ed

Report explores issues facing a group whose members are particularly at risk of never earning a college degree.

Hispanic Students Lose a Potential Leg Up

Groups that help Latino youth prepare for college shut out of Education Department competition for grant funds.

The Making of a Majority

Third draft of report wins support from many members of federal higher ed panel – but ACE chief holds out.

Taking on TOEFL

ETS faces first real challenge to its test for students seeking to demonstrate English proficiency to American colleges.

So Much for Good Intentions

Interpretation of telecommunications law forces Bowdoin to kill plan to offer free wireless to its off-campus neighbors.

Drawing the Line

The NCAA laid down the law for teams that consistently underachieve in the classroom.

Bolstering Tenure by Reforming It

U. of Colorado board receives long-awaited report and 40 proposals, with most dramatic changes slated for post-tenure review.

The Next Frontier for Private Colleges

A small town outside Phoenix is opening its arms to small private colleges -- and some from the Midwest are taking a serious look.