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Catholic Character

After years of planning, a new generation of ideological colleges takes shape, in purposeful counterpoint to traditional institutions they see as having lost the way.

Lessons in Cynicism and Sales

Applicants to top colleges view the process as unfair, mysterious and discouraging, new study finds.

Minnesota Strike Ends, and Offer Goes to Workers

Employees at University of Minnesota will vote on the proposed contract and return to work, despite what union calls "unfair" offer.

The Alternative Student Press

An increasing number of online-only publications are changing what it means to be a college journalist.

Adjuncts and God: Why Are 2 Instructors Out of Jobs?

Instructor at Southwestern Community College says he lost job for not taking Bible literally. Colorado AAUP says instructor lost job for taking faith too seriously.

Altering Accreditation -- But How?

Panelists in one-sided discussion of higher education's evaluation system generally trash it, but disagree on possible changes to it.

On the Road to Jena - and Activism

In Louisiana and on their own campuses, black students are galvanized, and some colleges add education for those preparing to protest.