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House Republicans Subpoena Education Dept. Over FAFSA Issues

House Republicans want the Education Department to turn over a tranche of documents that they say will shed light on...
Arrows symbolizing different pathways jet out from a close-up of a student's pair of blue sneakers (concept image).

Academic Pathways: More Clarity Needed

In a new analysis of Student Voice survey findings, both two- and four-year students say they’d benefit from more clarity around navigating their various academic pathways through college.

Two safe locks, being turned to 3, with the letters AP engraved above

Settling the Score

In 2022 the College Board changed how it scores AP exams, and some test scores surged. It publicly defended its new method this week after critics questioned its rigor.

Georgia Won’t Approve AP African American Studies

Advanced Placement African American Studies may not be widely available in Georgia next year, after the state superintendent withheld approval...
An icon depicting centralization: the icon features a central circle, from which eight lines and circles radiate outward, akin to the hub and spokes of a wheel.

A Shared Governance Conundrum

The increasing importance of technology demands a shared governance model that combines robust centralized support with academic freedom and autonomy of departments, John Katzman and James DeVaney write.

William & Mary Lands $100M Gift for Marine Science Research

A Virginia-based philanthropist has donated $100 million to the College of William & Mary, the largest single gift in the...
Three students sit on camels in a desert.

Opportunities for Global Engagement Shape the Leaders of Tomorrow

By fostering an environment where global engagement is not just encouraged but integrated into the fabric of our educational system, we prepare students to thrive in an interconnected world, writes Dan Darko, a dean of global engagement.

An aerial view of Seattle Central College and the Seattle skyline on a sunny day

Student Wellness Tip: Counseling Focused on the Whole Student

Seattle Central College offers four variations of counseling services for learners, tailoring support to the concerns at hand and recognizing the multifaceted demands of their lives.