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Ep. 106: Higher Ed News Roundup: Athlete Unions and the FAFSA Fiasco

A panel of news hounds discusses some of the biggest stories involving colleges.

A graphic with the heading 16/100 featuring 100 stick people, 16 of which are blue while the rest are grey, depicting the concept of 16 percent of people.

A Not-So-Sweet 16 Percent

We haven’t moved the dial on transfer student success, Eileen L. Strempel and Stephen J. Handel write.

A colorful painting abstractly depicting a shipwreck.

Seattle University Launches Art Museum With Donated Collection

Seattle University plans to start a new art museum using a recent donation from real estate developer Richard Hedreen, The...
A photo of an hourglass, with the dropping of sand signaling the passage of time.

A Case for Term Limits for College Leaders

Term limits would create conditions for more visionary and collaborative leadership, Binnur Ozkececi-Taner writes.

A pair of sneakers on a gravel road with chalk arrows pointing different directions from the toes of the sneakers.

A Deeper Look at Guided Pathways

Two new studies shed light on how guided pathways practices have spread and what iterations of the model work best.

Lacking Big Endowment, Prestigious Mitchell Scholarship Paused

The US-Ireland Alliance is pausing its long-running George J. Mitchell Scholarship Program due to a lack in commitments from big...

The Obstacles to Diversifying Governing Boards

Colleges continue to face significant obstacles as they try to diversify their governing boards, a new report from the Association...

Indiana Governor Signs Bill Tying Tenure to ‘Intellectual Diversity’

On Wednesday, Indiana’s Republican governor signed a controversial bill diminishing diversity, equity and inclusion programs and tenure protections in the...