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All Student Groups Care About Diversity

High schoolers -- of all races -- care about diversity initiatives when thinking about where to apply to college.

‘We Are Fighting for Our Survival’

If the Claremont School of Theology cannot sell its campus for close to market value, it will close. The Claremont Colleges, first in line to purchase the land, asserts it has already made a generous offer.

Nazi Images at Antivaccine Rally

Some at a rally against a vaccine mandate at Mississippi State University displayed Nazi symbols, The Columbus Dispatch reported. One...

Scrutiny for Southern Cal’s Greek System

The Greek system at the University of Southern California is facing scrutiny over multiple allegations of drugging and sexual assault...

Academic Minute: Climate Change’s Impact on Sea Life

Today on the Academic Minute: Richard Aronson, professor and head of the ocean engineering and marine sciences department at the...

U of Florida Bars Professors From Helping Lawsuit Against the State

University claims conflict of interest requires that faculty members not participate in suit. Decision stuns experts, who note that faculty have played a variety of roles in suits against states.

Misleading Calculation or Standard Procedure?

Calbright College enrollment numbers include students who have been inactive for months. College leaders say their method for counting enrollments is standard. Some current and former employees disagree.

Meacham Invitation to Samford U Is Withdrawn

Jon Meacham is a biographer who has tackled many prominent people as his subjects, including Andrew Jackson (for which he...