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Report: Legacy Preferences Harm Diversity

Colleges that offer admissions preferences to legacy applicants are less likely to admit Black, Latino and low-income students, according to...
Mysterious cyberhacker with obscured face standing before a screen with futuristic blue digital code

Yes, University Cybersecurity Is Still a Concern

A year after a massive data breach targeted dozens of higher ed institutions, university cybersecurity spending is at an all-time high. But experts say it is not enough.

Facade of U.S. Supreme Court with a red-colored filter applied.

The Dangers of Distractions in Post–Affirmative Action Admissions

Shaun Harper and Julie Posselt write that many other issues have competed for attention in the year since the Supreme Court struck down race-conscious admissions.

A young adult female student consults a mature adult teacher's before leaving class.

Student Affairs Career Advice From the President

A panel of college presidents offered advice to young and midlevel professionals in student affairs at NASPA’s Conferences on Student Success in Higher Education.

Deadline for Idaho-Phoenix Deal Extended

The University of Idaho is buying more time to finalize its planned acquisition of the for-profit online juggernaut University of...
People walk up a sidewalk next to a brick building

FAFSA Fiasco Forces Cuts at Small Colleges

Many small private colleges are surviving quarter to quarter, narrowly avoiding sweeping budget cuts. The bungled FAFSA rollout pushed some over the edge.

Adult male teacher teaching student during a class at computer lab

Survey: How Are Profs, Staff Using AI?

As artificial intelligence becomes more integrated into teaching and learning, college instructors and student success professionals share how they’re using generative AI.

Valparaiso University Closes Art Museum

Valparaiso University in Indiana has temporarily closed the Brauer Museum of Art and dismissed its director as part of a...