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Sports, Spending and Subsidies

NCAA survey finds colleges putting more institutional dollars in play to offset athletics deficits.

Failing Grade

The new writing tests on the SAT and ACT are educationally unsound, according to the National Council of Teachers of English.

New Analyses on Aid Policy

Studies are released on students who borrow and then drop out, and on the role of private scholarships.

Pitfall of Public-College Privatization

Drive for independence could hurt the creditworthiness of lower-tier state institutions, Standard & Poor's warns.

Transition for Christian College Group

Robert C. Andringa -- an influential figure in Washington higher ed circles -- announced plans to retire.

When a Professor Loses It

Denied tenure, a well liked faculty member suffers a breakdown -- in public. Are there lessons for academe?

Headed for the High Court

Supreme Court will decide long-running dispute over campus access for military recruiters.