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Contract cheaters threatened blackmail via social media posts

Sting Operation Fools a Proctoring Service—and Results in Blackmail Attempt

A staff member at a Florida college, posing as a student, hires a contract cheating firm to test the institution’s systems for preventing fraud. The outcome offers lessons for instructors and students as virtual learning expands.

A college student looks a the sign for direction.

Student Wellness Tip: Helping Students Navigate Sticky Situations

A workshop series at George Mason University gives students the tools to “adult” and tackle unfamiliar situations with confidence.

A headshot of Antoinette “Bonnie” Candia-Bailey smiling next to a headshot of John Moseley

Lincoln Alumni Outraged by Reinstatement of President

An investigation cleared Lincoln University of Missouri’s president of charges he’d bullied an administrator who died by suicide. Some alumni and students object to his return.

Sleep Resets the Brain’s Operating System: Academic Minute

Today on the Academic Minute: Keith Hengen, assistant professor in the department of biology at Washington University in St. Louis...

Student Chatbot Use ‘Could Be Increasing Loneliness’

Study finds students who rely on ChatGPT for academic tasks feel socially supported by artificial intelligence at the expense of their real-life relationships.

Helping Learners Plan Their Path Through College: Key Podcast

This week’s episode of The Key podcast explores the “guided pathways” model, which hundreds of community colleges have embraced to...
A man in a blue suit and tie at a podium in front of American flags

Cardona Urges Governors to Prepare for FAFSA Delays

Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona sent a letter to state governors on Monday urging them to prepare for the consequences...

Texas Governor Calls for New Policies on Antisemitism

Texas governor Greg Abbott has signed an executive order requiring public institutions of higher education in the state to update...