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Survey: Tuition Discounting Still on the Rise

The average discount rate at private colleges topped 50 percent this past academic year, according to a new study from...
A man wearing an orange T-shirt has his head down on an open textbook as he holds up a cardboard sign with the word “HELP” in capital red letters on it.

Three Ways to Create a Culture of Help-Seeking Behavior on Campus

The act of asking for help is something that doesn’t come naturally to all students, and higher ed has a responsibility to invest in efforts to improve help-seeking, write student success professionals Cecilia Santiago-González and Zoe Lance at Cal Poly Pomona.

Wiley to Shutter 19 Journals

Wiley, an academic publisher, has announced that it is closing 19 journals amid a massive influx of fake papers, The...
The headline and subhead for Ben Sasse's recent The Wall Street Journal op-ed is overlaid against a photo of Sasse, who is smiling widely. The text reads: "The Adults Are Still in Charge at the University of Florida: Higher education isn't  daycare. Here are the rules we follow on free speech and public protests."  Below that text, in smaller print, there is an attribution: "Ben Sasse, University of Florida President/Commentary in The Wall Street Journal"

The Unbearable Hypocrisy of Ben Sasse

The University of Florida president ignores the most serious threats facing higher ed, Brian Rosenberg writes.

Iowa Governor Signs Bill Banning DEI

Iowa governor Kim Reynolds, a Republican, signed into law an education-funding bill with anti-DEI provisions. The state’s Board of Regents...
Group of students on beach with matching blue T-shirts

Defense Department Cuts 13 of its Language Flagship Programs

Linguists are concerned about the implications the elimination of these programs may have on foreign relations.

Young adult Hispanic female sitting at a desk in a library working on a computer

Career Prep Tip: Workforce Simulations for Experiential Learning

Stony Brook University integrates technology into career development opportunities, helping students land jobs and build experience for their lives after college.

A photo illustration consisting of a photograph of Harvard University’s campus with part of the faculty senate proponents’ written arguments superimposed on top.

Harvard Has No University-Wide Senate—Professors Are Proposing One

Amid attacks in multiple states on shared governance, faculty members seek to strengthen their role at America’s oldest higher education institution.