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The Week in Admissions News

Biden’s debt cancellation; free college; for-profits could be hurt; protests at Seattle Pacific.

The Justice Department Has Worsened College Admissions

The agency never should have gone after NACAC, and we are all paying the price because it did, writes Jay Menees.

Texas A&M’s Nonstudent

Kyle Rittenhouse says he will actually attend Blinn College.

Journal Editors Resign in Protest

The editors in chief of Child Development and Child Development Perspectives, respectively, have publicly resigned from their positions, citing concerns...

Whom Should an HBCU Recruit?

John Moseley, the new president of Lincoln University of Missouri, has upset the head of his national alumni association with...

What’s in Your Dietary Supplement? Academic Minute

Today on the Academic Minute: C. Michael White, distinguished professor and chair of the school of pharmacy at the University...

Congress Urged to Target Endowments Linked With China

A bill could encourage top-endowment universities to divest from Chinese entities contributing to human rights abuses or posing a national security risk.

Davis Cuts Commencement Short Amid Heat Wave

The University of California, Davis, cut short its commencement Friday due to a heat wave that hospitalized seven people who...