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Academic Fraud in Collegiate Athletics

Flurry of cheating cases renews questions about degree of pressure placed on academic support programs since NCAA instituted new rules for sports eligibility.

Mapping the Indian Business Student Boom

Demand for business education among Indian students is still growing, but U.S. share and historical advantage appear to be slipping.

'Scholarship Reconsidered' as Tenure Policy

In 1990, Ernest Boyer published Scholarship Reconsidered, in which he argued for abandoning the traditional “teaching vs. research” model on...

British Union Drops Boycott Call

Faculty group largely ignored resolutions against their proposal to isolate Israeli academics, but backs down when its lawyer says the action could be illegal.

Stumbling Upon Secure Data

Journalism adviser at Western Oregon University loses her job for how student newspaper staffers responded after finding file full of Social Security numbers -- on a public server.

Last Week's Campus Lockdowns

Delaware State University made all the headlines on September 21 when a freshman shot and wounded two students on campus...

Sign of the Times?

Poster reading "$160,000" (and more) that appeared on several buildings at Brown is one student's commentary on campus life.