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Board Fires College President Without Cause

One trustee believes board members acted in retaliation against the president for supporting an effort to recall the chairman.

New Presidents or Provosts: American U of Beirut, California State U-Long Beach, California State U System, Cleveland State U, Corning CC, Hostos CC, Morris Brown College, Voorhees College

Sylvia A. Alva, provost and vice president for academic affairs at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, has been named executive...

Inter-Institutional Course Sharing: Increase Access and Boost Student Success | Available On-Demand

Learn how academic officers at the California Virtual Campus, Idaho State Board of Education, and Montana University System used inter-institutional...

The Pollination Biology of Pawpaw

Are plants tricking insects into taking their nectar? In today's Academic Minute, Widener University's Kate Goodrich explores that question. Goodrich...

Harvard Moves Toward Divestment. What’s Next?

The university’s commitment to end indirect legacy investments in fossil fuels captured attention all over the world. Now higher education officials and climate activists are contemplating what the decision might mean for them.

Impact of Student Loan Debt on Young Lawyers

Report describes how the average law school debt of $108,000 affects recent graduates, showing impacts that vary between racial and ethnic groups.

UNC and East Carolina Settle With Justice Department

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and East Carolina University have reached a settlement with the Department of...

German Academics Consider Election’s Impact

A lack of attention in the campaign doesn’t mean there aren’t important issues.