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Default Rates Fall Again

4.5% of borrowers in 2003 failed to repay their student loans, down from 5.2% in 2002.

Don't Forget the Staff

Students scattered by Hurricane Katrina have found doors at other colleges open to them. Faculty members have often drawn on...

Faux Family Friendly?

EEOC backs claim of woman that U. of California at Santa Barbara denied her tenure after she took leaves for child care.

Black Colleges Confront Challenges

At long-planned conference, a new issue emerges, informally, on the agenda.

International Erosion

The U.S. lead in higher education is declining, and indicators about the future are not promising, an international report says.

Helping Out

Colleges send assistance -- in the form of boats, trucks, and people -- to New Orleans and other areas devastated by Katrina.