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Major Troubles for Decker College

For-profit with ties to N.Y. gubernatorial candidate is barred from U.S. aid programs and faces Ky. inquiry.

House Democrats Seek Hurricane Aid for Colleges

Billions would be provided to students and institutions hurt by Katrina and Rita.

Shallower Pockets

With research revenues and donations down, Case Western Reserve came up a little short.

Rift in Disability Studies

Supreme Court case on assisted suicide leaves professors debating when and how their scholarly society should weigh in on policy issues.

Price Sensitive

Community college enrollments are affected by relative price increases at 2- and 4-year institutions, but not for all programs, study finds.

End of the Line for Wash. Affirmative Action Case

U.S. Supreme Court declines to consider challenge to admissions policy at the university's law school, 8 years after it was filed.