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Common Ground on Intelligent Design

Science professors who support the concept tend to agree with opponents that it doesn't belong in the science classroom.

What Would Wittgenstein Do?

New Web site lets members of the public get expert answers from philosophy professors.

More Money for Science Education

Senate amends Pentagon spending bill to bolster scholarship and fellowships for training in key fields.

Arizona State Ends Class Limited to Native Americans

Civil rights group complained that having race-specific sections of a course was unconstitutional.

Drawing a Line in the Academic Sand

U. of Idaho president says that in science courses, evolution will be taught and that other views -- discredited by researchers -- do not belong.

Race and Religion

Survey finds that black students are much more spiritual than their white counterparts.

A Private Matter Goes Public

Dispute over alleged plagiarism between 2 Penn scholars, settled quietly over the summer, is aired anew.