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Expense Account Hall of Shame

Sure the ousted leader of American U. had a personal chef, but did he have $7,000 sheets? A special list of ex-presidents.

Embracing Tenure

At San Francisco Art Institute, a new president and a union jointly decide to adopt the practice.

Limiting the Toll of Gas Prices

Alabama's Calhoun Community College alters its class schedule to reduce students' commuting costs.

Ousted at American U.

Trustees fire Benjamin Ladner as president amid inquiries into questionable spending, but leave key issues unresolved.

Too Much Information?

Are bloggers without tenure destined to stay that way? Not necessarily, but debate rages as Chicago rejects a prominent commentator.

Education Dept. Suspends Grants to Christian College

Facing lawsuit over church-state separation, U.S. concludes that Alaska Christian used funds for religious purposes.

Easing the Copyright Challenge

Permissions center partners with Blackboard to help professors gain approval as they build their online courses.