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Online Quicksand

A few academic bloggers may soon learn the litigious way that what’s said in cyberspace doesn’t always stay there.

Baylor Dismisses Gay Alumnus From Advisory Board

University had gladly accepted his donations of time and money, until now.

Changing Nicknames, Under NCAA Duress

NCAA drops Carthage and Midwestern State from list of colleges with "hostile" Native American imagery.

Indiana Creates First Gender Studies Ph.D.

As doctoral programs in women's studies spread, one university takes a different approach.

Big Wins for Community Colleges

Voters approve over $1 billion in bonds for facilities and improvements; California rejects new spending limits.

Anthropology, Evolved

Arizona State revamps department in attempt to revitalize discipline, but does program agenda shortchange field?

The Faculty Role in Sports Reform

Knight Commission hears from 3 groups that take divergent approaches to the problems in college athletics.