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Boston U. Adopts Conflicts Policy for Trustees

New standard is more permissive than recommendation made last year by special governance panel.

Was God Banned From a Term Paper?

Student at Victor Valley Community College says instructor penalized her for mentioning issues of faith in an assignment.

It Takes a Counselor, Not a Village

New research shows that a single, optimistic college adviser can propel legions of low-income high school students to higher education.

Fallout at Hamilton

College cuts budget of center that invited Ward Churchill; controversial professor offends again -- this time with comments on "fragging."

The Union Election That Might Not Count

George Washington U. contests results of part-timers' vote to unionize, provoking outcry from adjuncts.

Years of Harassment

North Carolina State U. found to have ignored repeated incidents involving a professor -- and to have promoted him.

Failed Attempt at Easing Study in Cuba

U.S. House rejects amendment that would have undermined year-old Treasury Department rules.

The Vice Chancellor Who Wasn't There

When Paul W. Barrows announced in November that he was stepping down from his administrative position at the University of...