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Banned in Akron

Administrators bar selection of noted writer's work for freshmen to read because he was once in jail.

A Challenge to Catholic Colleges

Vatican official urges U.S. institutions to help peers around the world deal with rapid changes in higher education.

A Troubled Typist

Michigan Law School graduate sues his former institution because he says exams are harder for students who type slowly.

Blackboard Makes a Pledge

Under fire in patent dispute, software giant says it won't sue open source providers. Has the company gone far enough to satisfy its critics?

Racist Banter Behind Closed Doors

In a coming book, scholars examine the abundance of derogatory comments white students make when only they are around.

Texans and Their Tests

Governor links new funds for higher ed to required exit exams. He sees accountability. Others see Spellings Commission's dark side.

Upping the Ante on Pell Grants

White House proposes increasing maximum award to $4,600 in 2008 -- but may seek to finance rise with cuts to other student programs.