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Stem Cell Silence

The University of Minnesota resists playing in a cultural tug of war -- yet is squarely stuck in the middle.

Mixed Messages on the Cross

William & Mary board says president made mistakes but declines to reverse him, opting to await report of new committee.

Dissecting a Deal

New book examines the pact between Berkeley and Novartis -- and finds that the controversy may have been more important than first recognized.

Upping the Ante in Graduate Stipends

Chicago announces expanded benefits for students in humanities and social sciences -- with goal of speeding Ph.D. completion.

Harvard Moves Ahead on Curricular Reform

Panel's final general education plan keeps requirements on the U.S. and science, adds humanities, and eases away from religion.

Minorities and the Sociology Pipeline

Study finds that minority sociologists disproportionately drop out of academe at the Ph.D. level and again during tenure process.