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Attacking the GMAT Monopoly

Exam that for decades has been required for MBA programs is getting some competition at Stanford and MIT -- raising questions about standardized testing and admissions.

Counterpoint to Presidential Careerism

In era of million-dollar campus CEO's, small college group urges focus on "fit" between leaders' personal "call" and the mission of their institutions.

Controversial Reform in New Zealand

U. of Auckland moves toward selective admissions and more of a research focus -- and critics say it is becoming Americanized.

The Harvard Trickle-Down Effect

Presidents of liberal arts colleges see threat in elite institutions' embrace of non-need-based financial aid, but say outcomes push may give them an edge.

ABC Thinks You're Rich; 'U.S. News' Says Your Job Is Cushy

It turns out that college administrators and professors should stop complaining about their pay and working conditions, at least according...

Passion, Joy and Graduate Education (Really)

Historians consider why new doctoral students get disconnected from what drew them to the field (bad historiography being one culprit) -- and how to keep them excited.

Confronting -- and Not Confronting -- Plagiarism

History journal editors explain the challenges of dealing with complaints -- while some scholars see inadequacy in current systems.