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A photo illustration showing eyes, the U.S. Capitol and a college campus

House Investigations of Harvard, Others Mark a ‘Watershed Moment’

Deep-diving probes into antisemitism, plagiarism and university leaders signal a dangerous new era in congressional oversight, experts and scholars say. Some see echoes of McCarthyism.

Illinois State U Tenured, Tenure-Track Faculty Members Unionize

Tenured and tenure-track faculty members at Illinois State University have unionized. This week, the Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board certified...
Photo of Boston University skyline

The Case for a More Strategic Financial Management System

Robert A. Brown makes a case for a centralized financial management system.

Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts to End Degree Programs

The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, a museum and art school in Philadelphia, is shutting down its degree programs...
Light-skinned woman with dark hair at a podium in front of U.S. flag

New York State Launches Direct Admission Plan

New York governor Kathy Hochul is championing an initiative to offer the top 10 percent of the state’s high school...
Three students lean on a railing with the SUNY Plattsburgh campus in the background.

2 SUNY Institutions, 1 Campus

Clinton Community College plans to move its operations to SUNY Plattsburgh’s campus by the 2025–26 academic year in response to enrollment and financial challenges.

Report: Debt Impacts Minority Groups Most

The student loan crisis has hit minority borrowers especially hard, according to a new survey by WGU Labs, an affiliate...

OCR: San Francisco Conservatory of Music Violated Title IX

The San Francisco Conservatory of Music’s response to a student’s report of sexual assault and stalking “violated Title IX at...