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Bradley's 'Braves' Stay on NCAA's 'Hostile' List

The National Collegiate Athletic Association declared Thursday that it had rejected Bradley University’s appeal to be dropped from a list...

Censoring Art or Protecting Workers?

Center for gay students at U. of Michigan at Flint is ordered to remove hermaphrodite artwork.

Detox at Madison

U. of Wisconsin worries about sharp increase this year in those needing emergency treatment for alcohol.

Coming to America

Washington U. in St. Louis offers an elite group of international students a graduate education -- and sends professors home with them.

Beyond 'Toys, Travel and Food'

Institutionally, most colleges have, in one way or another, embraced the use of technology in how they educate their students...

Promoting Green Campuses

Student activists and administrators announce plans to promote environmentalism.

Presidents Who Are Scholars

New research suggests correlation between being a top researcher and getting a job leading a top university.