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Anonymous Power

Scholars debate fairness of shielding identities of those who review tenure candidates and journal submissions.

Word Play at the MLA

Professors choose terms -- mostly bleak ones -- to describe higher ed’s fiscal situation.

NCAA to Study High School Policies

As alleged 'diploma mill' closes, association plans review of nontraditional schools and other issues at secondary level.

Knifed Over a Grade

Police say disgruntled student followed professor home and stabbed her. How can colleges prevent such attacks?

New Model for Tech Transfer

7 top universities, fed up with fighting over patent rights, agree to open-source approach in dealings with tech companies.

What You Do All Day

New data explore how professors at different kinds of institutions spend their time -- and how much time they spend on work.

Depressed Medical Professors

They feel stuck in their clinics, deprived of mentoring, and unhappy, survey finds.