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DEI 2.0

How to create more pluralistic campus cultures.

A photograph of protesting students holding signs on the University of Alabama at Birmingham's campus.

As Alabama Republicans Target DEI, They Propose ‘Gag Order’ on Professors

Free speech groups and students have raised alarm about a bill that flew through the state’s Senate last week and awaits action in the House.

A square with rounded corners colored with a changing gradient that starts red and pink on the top left and changes to purple and blue on the bottom right. On this background are the white letters "T," "H" and "E." To the right of the rounded square, black text reads "Times Higher Education."

Is ‘Fatphobia’ the Last Acceptable Prejudice in the Academy?

A Cornell University philosopher is calling out the discrimination—which is often blatant—faced by scholars deemed overweight.

A young person holds a pen and paper while talking with an older person, smiling.

Career Prep Tip: Incorporate Career Interviews Into a First-Year Seminar

As part of a larger career-readiness curriculum, students at Polk State College complete an interview with someone in their desired career field to learn more about the job and if it aligns with their interests.

The gate at the entrance to the UC Berkeley campus, with a handful of people cycling and walking beneath it.

Israeli Speaker Canceled, Event Evacuated at UC Berkeley

Violent pro-Palestinian protests prompted officials to shut down a talk by an Israeli lawyer.

COVID’s Effects on Preschool Children’s Learning: Academic Minute

Today on the Academic Minute: Steven Barnett, Board of Governors Professor of Education at Rutgers University, discusses some of the...

Latina Bachelor’s Degree Attainment on the Rise

Latinas are earning bachelor’s and graduate degrees at higher rates than in the past, but they earn lower wages than...
Michigan State University campus

Report Finds 2 Michigan State Trustees Violated Ethics Rules

An external investigation outlined misconduct that “created fissures that have weakened the governance structure of the university.”