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Supreme Court Will Not Take on Bias-Response Case

The Supreme Court will not take up a case concerning the bias-response team at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University...

Report: U of Arizona Will Face Bill for Discharged Ashford Loans

The Education Department is preparing to recoup millions in discharged student loans from the University of Arizona, which is currently...
Snow falls on a bare tree.

Let Snow Days Be Snow Days

Insisting on “instructional continuity” is both joyless and blind to the realities of students’ lives, Matt Johnson writes.

A bubbled test on a laptop screen

The SAT Enters the 21st Century

The College Board’s ubiquitous standardized test is now exclusively digital and significantly shorter. It’s a big change at a decisive moment for the testing industry.

Michigan Governor to Decide Fate of 2 MSU Trustees

Michigan State University board chair Rema Vassar stepped down late Sunday night and was stripped of her duties—as was fellow...
The sculpture "Witness," which shows a towering, golden female figure with a judicial collar and thick braids resembling ram horns.

U of Houston Cancels Art Event for Sculpture Deemed ‘Satanic’

Antiabortion groups say the sculpture being exhibited on campus has “satanic” imagery and reflects the artist’s stance on abortion rights.


Teaching Religion in the Secular University

The place of religion in the secular curriculum.

A photo illustration combining photos of Jed Atkins, Chapel Hill's campus and a budget memo that shows his name on it.

New Leader of UNC School Played Role in Creating It

The Duke scholar hired to lead Chapel Hill’s School of Civic Life and Leadership helped write a proposal for it, North Carolina’s provost says.