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One Department Implodes, Another Advances

After U. of Chicago demotes a prominent child psychiatrist, he and 7 colleagues head to Illinois-Chicago.

Return to Iran

After 25 years with minimal contact, American colleges and academics are rebuilding connections and exchange programs.

Ruling Could Help Gay Faculty in Nebraska

A federal court ruling about Nebraska's ban on gay marriage may end up helping professors in the state win insurance for domestic partners.

Post-Tenure Reviews Without Due Process

Investigators from the American Association of University Professors find fault with the way Virginia State U. dismissed two faculty members.

Reality TV 101

New television show features competition among bright low-income students -- and admissions officers as judges -- for a full scholarship.

Renegade Trustees at Dartmouth

In an unusually controversial alumni election, two candidates who questioned many college policies win.

U.S. Orders Corinthian to Repay $775,000 in Student Aid

Education Department imposes no fines or penalties after investigation into wrongdoing at Bryman College campus in San Jose.