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Student Financial Wellness Across the Campus

Helping students gain money-management skills and stay afloat in a crisis is not the role of any one department, as this infographic shows.

Report: U Florida Did Not Suppress COVID-19 Research

Reports that the University of Florida or state officials destroyed or suppressed COVID-19 research data are baseless, says a faculty...

Auburn Dean Reportedly Involved in Title IX Case Steps Down

Richard Hansen, who last month stepped down as dean of pharmacy at Auburn University, resigned from his professorship this week...

A Human-Centered Approach to Advancing Antiracism: Academic Minute

Today on the Academic Minute, part of Drexel University Week: Sharrelle Barber, assistant professor of epidemiology, discusses a new approach...

Using Data to Drive Student Success | Available On-Demand

Today student success isn't a "nice to have," it's a must. And colleges and universities that aren't mining available data...

Looking to Scandinavia for American Prison Reform

There is often a better way to do things, if you know where to find it. In today’s Academic Minute...

A Win for Academic Mothers

UT Austin lost a pregnancy- and sex-bias case against a professor who said the university held her motherhood against her in her tenure bid. Now the university owes her $3 million.

Temple Parents Hire Private Security

Public safety concerns are paramount for Temple University parents since a student was murdered near campus. Now some parents have hired private security firms to protect their children.