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A Tale of Two Colonists: Academic Minute

Today on the Academic Minute: Abby Chandler, associate professor of history at the University of Massachusetts at Lowell, considers how...
Times Higher Ed Logo

Italian Academic Prosecuted for Calling Minister’s Speech ‘Neo-Hitlerite’

A philosopher faces defamation charges after condemning the use of the term “ethnic replacement” by a government minister.

Northland Delays Closure Decision Following Donations

The Board of Trustees at Northland College has delayed making a decision on whether to close due to financial issues...
A quote from Toni Morrison is in white text against a black background. The quote reads: “The innate feature of the university is that not only does it examine, it also produces power-laden and value-ridden discourse.”

“How Can Values Be Taught,” Gaza Edition

Maureen E. Ruprecht Fadem asks what values universities are teaching through their silence on Gaza.

USC Cancels Main Graduation Ceremony

The University of Southern California, which has recently come under fire for canceling its valedictorian’s speech and arresting student protesters...

U of Kansas Faculty Members Unionize in Lopsided Vote

University of Kansas faculty members have unionized, in an 850-to-132 vote. The new United Academics of the University of Kansas...

University of Phoenix Fined for ‘Aggressive’ Military Recruitment Tactics

The University of Phoenix has agreed to pay $4.5 million in a settlement over unlawful recruitment tactics for military students...
Amit Sevak, CEO of ETS, speaks to a crowd of seated people.

Responsible AI and the ‘Future of Skills’

A gathering hosted by ETS delved into how AI could change how students are tested and how employers assess skills.