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Now He Can't Speak on His Own Campus

Ward Churchill never got to talk at Hamilton College. But the controversial ethnic studies professor was supposed to have a...

Rethinking Requirements

Stanford elevates "ethical reasoning" in general education program; some fear diversity issues are getting downgraded.

A Cutting Budget

President wants to eliminate many education programs -- and community colleges are particularly hard hit.

Unseal the Books

Iowa Supreme Court rules that state open-records laws apply to a public university's foundation.

Fraternity Fatalities

Two students died in fraternity-related incidents last week: one from injuries in a fight at Baldwin-Wallace College and one in...

No PR Agency Left Behind

A Florida State U. center has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars promoting President Bush's school choice policies, The Palm Beach Post reports.

A Mixed Financial Outlook for Colleges

An annual report from Standard & Poor's anticipates continued budgetary pressure, partially offset by stronger revenues.

A Step Toward Dismissal

The University of Colorado has started a review that could lead to the termination of Ward Churchill, a tenured professor...