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'Evangelical Pruning' Ahead?

Ever since Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger became Pope Benedict XVI, educators at Roman Catholic colleges in the United States have been...

'Black Earth and Ivory Tower'

"From lecturing on the French Revolution to hauling manure in the spring, my life is agricultural and academic, inseparable and...

Academic Freedom vs. First Amendment

Do professors at state colleges have different speech protections from other public employees? A court says No.

Accreditation and Politics

Scholars' association charges groups that review colleges of education and social work with using ideological tests on students.

No Safe Space

Northeastern forum tried to exclude those who are not minority women and after administrators intervened, charges started flying.

Efficiency or Mediocrity?

Everyone agrees that college admissions is becoming an electronic process, but is that a good thing?

Arrest of Black Professor Infuriates Colleagues

San Francisco State investigates charges of racial profiling after a scholar is arrested trying to go to his own office.